Thursday, July 9, 2009

Debate Point!

Well guys, this weeks debate point is...  Do you think the so called G8 can turn there words on climate change into actions?if you remember they promised to cut out the carbon emissions. Can they achieve? whats your take?

Comment Below!


Anonymous said...

No chance. Know why? Because the public does not believe you Greens anymore, buddy. They do not trust the Greens. Here are a few reasons: The Hockey stick graph debacle; quashing debate by saying “the debate is over the science is settled” when it is far from it; the name change from Global warming to Climate Change; intentionally confusing C02 with pollution; the UN IPCC saying that 600 scientists wrote their last report when there were really only 60; or how about the faked images of flooded coastal cities; or the “drowning” polar bear photos; the list goes on and on. All of this has done damage to the reputation and credibility of the Green Movement. If the science were good, there would be no need for this kind of subterfuge. And all of it designed to convince skeptics to agree to fight a nonexistent threat. The skeptics ask, ‘why would the Greens want us to pay for C02 emissions when they haven’t shown that C02 controls the climate?’. The skeptics ultimately conclude that the Green’s must have an ulterior motive, and this distrust is making it harder and harder to sell climate action. The G8's know that the Green bubble has burst.

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